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Home > News & Events > MAARSianChronicles > Issue 14: February 2006 > Happy Landings: Mel & Jake Quickly Settle In

Happy Landings

Curious Cockatiels, Jake and Mel, adapted immediately to their new adoptive family.

Curious Cockatiels, Jake and Mel, adapted immediately to their new adoptive family.

Mel & Jake Quickly Settle In

as told to Eileen McCarthy by Erin C.

Cockatiels, Mel and Jake, are already very comfortable in their new home…acting like they have been here forever. Jake loves exploring new objects, corners, landings, etc. Today he was perching in our new Christmas tree, which he decided wasn't all that pleasant! He also sings very melodiously.

Mel is extremely sweet and loving and quite cuddly. She is also good at jumping and pointing to where she would like to go. Clint (a Red-lored Amazon also adopted from MAARS) is very interested in the 'tiels and frequently tries to speak "cockatiel" to them. He's not so sure he wants them hanging out on HIS cage but I can tell he is making a big effort to be gentle with the them. Mel is a little wary of Clint, but Jake has no fear. Overall, the flock seems to be getting along even better than I had expected. It's been so nice to have Cockatiels in the family again.

We really enjoyed our recent visit to The Landing. The only difficult aspect of our visit was knowing that we are not able to take home all the Cockatiels with whom we interacted; I know we would have loved whomever we took home. But we're truly delighted by our new flock members!

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