Bird adoption, sanctuary, rescue, and care education services for parrots and other captive exotic 'pet' birds. Based in Minneapolis - St. Paul (Twin Cities) area of Minnesota and serving Midwest.



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  Captive Bird Rescue, Adoption, Sanctuary & Care Education MAARSianChronicles 


Home > News & Events > MAARSianChronicles > Issue 14: February 2006 > MAARS News & Events: Thru February 19: Wings Art Exhibit

MAARS News & Events

The art exhibition, Wings, brings together three artist activists: Carmen Vaz Altenberg (Vazalt), Steve Nowatski, and Mary Britton Clouse, who have dedicated their lives to helping birds and other animals. Tragic things happen when human interests collide with the interests of birds on the factory farm, in the exotic pet industry, in vanishing native habitat. Each artist explores, in a personal way, the plights experienced by birds as unique, individual things.Thru February 19: Wings Art Exhibit

January 19–February 19: Art Exhibit

The art exhibition, Wings, brings together three artist activists: Carmen Vaz Altenberg (Vazalt), Steve Nowatski, and Mary Britton Clouse, who have dedicated their lives to helping birds and other animals. Tragic things happen when human interests collide with the interests of birds on the factory farm, in the exotic pet industry, in vanishing native habitat. Each artist explores, in a personal way, the plights experienced by birds as unique, individual things.

The exhibit opened at Hopkins Center for the Arts on Thursday, January 19, and runs through Sunday, February 19, 2006.

Hopkins Center for the Arts is located at 1111 Mainstreet in downtown Hopkins, MN (click here for a map). Exhibitions are free and open to the public whenever the building is open: Monday–Friday, 8:00 a.m.–8:00 p.m.; Saturday, 10:00 a.m.–8:00 p.m.; Sunday, 12:00–5:00 p.m.

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