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Home > News & Events > MAARSianChronicles > Issue 14: February 2006 > MAARS News & Events: March 23: Ethics and Animals: Lecture by Peter Singer

MAARS News & Events

Ethicist, Peter Singer, will speak at the University of Minnesota on March 23, 2006.

Ethicist, Peter Singer, will speak at the University of Minnesota on March 23, 2006.

March 23: Ethics and Animals: Lecture by Peter Singer

Join us for a lecture by influential ethicist Peter Singer on ethics and animals. The lecture will be followed by a free catered reception.

Widely regarded as one of the most influential living philosophers, Peter Singer is also known and esteemed in many other fields for his work in medical ethics, famine relief, euthanasia, and environmental ethics. Singer's books, including Animal Liberation and Practical Ethics, have been translated into 15 languages and are widely taught in ethics classes throughout the world. His work is credited with starting the modern animal protection movement. TIME Magazine includes Singer among its "100 most influential people" of 2005.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

7:00 p.m.

Ted Mann Concert Hall, University of Minnesota West Bank

For those coming from the West Bank, Ted Mann can be entered through Ferguson Hall. Click here for a map.

More info? Visit, e-mail, or call (612) 626-5785.

This event is sponsored by: CLA Scholarly Event Fund, Compassionate Action for Animals, GAPSA Academic Initiative, Graduate Student Philosophy Association, Mcknight Events and Initiatives Fund, Minnesota Center for Philosophy of Science, MSA DEF Grant, Philosophy Department, Program in Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Ethics, SAO Event Partnership Grant.

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