Bird adoption, sanctuary, rescue, and care education services for parrots and other captive exotic 'pet' birds. Based in Minneapolis - St. Paul (Twin Cities) area of Minnesota and serving Midwest.



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  Captive Bird Rescue, Adoption, Sanctuary & Care Education Resources 


Cleo - Red Lory (Photo © 2000 Tina McCormick)Reflections on Thursdays at The Landing

by Terri Dunphy, MAARS Volunteer

How bad are the Lory cages tonight?

How many of the Lory's will come out?

Will Bob and Brenda ever come out again?

Once just isn't enough!

Do we need to totally swap dirty/clean cages out?

Can we just clean perches, food dishes, grates?

Will Olive and Percy be naughty or nice?

Barry, Nicole, and Scarlett feed each other. Love.

How are Simba, Mitri, Tabby, and Lindsey doing?

They have to come out first.

They are the most anxious about getting out of their cages for a long visit.

Jan must have half the tiels out by now. Greys, pearls, pieds, cinnamons.

Tubby tiels, sanctuary tiels, rescue tiels. Will the sanctuary tiels ever come out?

Molly, Wendy, Lance and Octavia.

Batman and Robin.

Get the Goffins out.

Mickey and Minnie - Quaker Parakeets (Photo © 2000 Tina McCormick)How are the Quakers doing?

Scream, holler, yell. Darn, they are flighted.

Will they sit on top of their cages?

Some yes, some no. Practice makes perfect.

How is Daisy feeling?

Will she come out tonight?

Will she bite me when I take her out?

A bite is worth kisses and scratches on the head!

She's a love bird waiting for a chance!

Take the top off her cage to air it out.

Who needs their grates cleaned?

Food, water, papers, clean cages.

Food, water, papers, clean cages.

Time to throw Tabby and Lindsey up in the air for a bit.

Time to fly with the green-wings.

Jump up and down, high and low.

Jump up and down, high and low.

Now try to get them off my arms.

Jump up and down, high and low.

Jump up and down, high and low.

Birds just wanna have fun!

Simba - Senegal Parrot (Photo © 2000 Tina McCormick)Time to love up Simba. Kiss, hugs. Feet, love. Beak in hand. Tongue kiss. Smooch.

Snuggle time with such a love bunny. Grab that beak and kiss it, kiss it, kiss it.

Food, water, papers, clean cages.

Scrub food and water dishes, papers, clean cages.

Mitri's down on the floor again.

Now up on Tabby and Lindsey's cages.

Trying to make the love connection with Lindsey.

A quick scratch on the head, under the wing.

A quick bite if I'm not careful!

We know who the ruler and master is of this domain.

All bow to Mitri the mighty!

Food, water, papers, grates.

Macaws in. Conures out.

Buffet cuddles under my chin.

Chica must venture beyond his door tonight.

Maybe just head scratches and hugs.

Cash and Tango peer over to and jump onto Buffet's cage.

Will Raggie step up and accept love or will he bite me for intruding on his space?

Jerry and Captain surely will come out. Fight, bicker, preen, love.

Food, water, papers, grates, cages.

Rinse, disinfect, wash, refill.

Buffet flys to me on the ground.

Snuggles under my chin.

Love, happiness, lots of kisses and head-scratches!

Chica coos from his head-scratches.

Snuggle, love, happiness.

Dump dirty water, get new water.

Food, water, perches, grates, cages.

Amazons and cockatoos.

Ginger - Cockatiel (Photo © 2000 Tina McCormick)Jan must surely have the other half of the tiels out.

Lutinos. Babies. Bald heads. Ratty tails. Albino beauty.

Green, blue, orange, red.

What is Goober doing?

Forever hiding under his paper?

I wonder if he knows a new lovebird has moved in for a stretch?

And how about Tobegone?

Always up for a head-scratch!

When will the pizza be here?

Rocky needs to bark a bit.

Flys from my hand.

Steps up and wants to perch.

Coos, growls, wimpers, complains.

Loves attention, freedom, self-dignity!

Simon wants his head scratched.

I can easily do this.

Careful, watch for quick movements!

Oops. I almost forgot.

Cages, papers, food, water.

Scrub, clean, wash, disinfect.

Baby - Citron Cockatoo (Photo © 2000 Tina McCormick)Chief, Baby, Sydney.

Chief needs lots of snuggles.

Curls up in my lap.

Head scratch, wing scratch. Hello.

Clicking tongue and beak.


The sound of being recognized as a needy soul.

Hello Baby Bird. Hi Baby Bird. Hi Baby Bird.

Sydney. No luck yet.

One day I will look over and he will be out of his cage.

I will jump for joy.

The way I did when I found out JayDee was adopted into a very loving home.

The way I did when Daisy came out for the first time and let me love her.

The way I did when I held my first macaw.

The way I do every time I walk into our home for wanted birds!


Copyright © 2001 by Terri Dunphy. Please contact Terri at for permission to reprint this poem.

All content Copyright © 1999-2019 by Midwest Avian Adoption & Rescue Services, Inc.


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