> About Us > Our Birds
Our Birds
Here are the stories of just a few of the 1,200+ birds
MAARS has cared for since it was founded in 1999. Click
here to learn how you can help wonderful birds like these!

Andy is a male Umbrella Cockatoo who began life in
a large production breeding facility and was then sold at a local
PETCO store. He was surrendered to MAARS in June 2002 when he was
four years old because his guardian was moving, getting married,
and had baby on the way and little time to spend with him. Andy
had become loud and aggressive and arrived at MAARS a very angry
bird. He screamed incessantly, thrashed against the bars of his
cage, and launched aerial attacks on humans. Today he is one of
the most gentle and loving of the many male Cockatoos that MAARS
is home to each year. [More…]

Angel's story is sad, and unfortunately, not unusual.
In 1997, the upper portion of her beak, or maxilla, was ripped off
by an aggressive mate while in a breeding situation. She was surrendered
to MAARS in 2002 when her care needs and medical expenses became
too overwhelming for her previous caretakers. In 2003, Angel received
a new prosthetic beak—and a starring role on an episode of
Animal Planet's A Pet Story! [More…]

Budd, a Patagonian Conure, was surrendered to MAARS
in June 2002 when his guardian of ten years, a career military man,
was being frequently relocated out of state and overseas in the
aftermath of 9/11 and the war in Afghanistan. Budd had spent many
months with his guardian's mother prior to coming to MAARS and had
relapsed into feather-picking behaviors during this time. [More…]

Buddy is a Quaker Parrot who arrived at a large,
well-funded Twin Cities humane society in July 2003 in a tiny, filthy
cage. He had a bloody gash on his neck that was reported to be self-inflicted.
Having no available resources to treat Buddy's condition, shelter
employees requested that MAARS take him and provide the care he
needed. We treated him with antibiotics and a topical medication
to promote healing. Within a few days, Buddy was feeling much better
and looking for love. [More…]

& Stubbie: Love Knows No Color
Calypso, is a quiet, determined, seven-year-old White-fronted
Amazon who came to MAARS at the age of four years in May 2003 when
his guardian became too ill to continue to care for him. Although
Calypso had always been around other birds, as he matured, he began
to seek a special friend or mate. For reasons we will never know,
Calypso has never shown much interest in any of the other Amazons
who have called The Landing home, and his first offers of friendship
were not well-received by the Moluccan Cockatoos to whom he was
drawn. [More…]

At one time, Candy, a Moluccan Cockatoo, flew free
in the forests of Indonesia. She foraged for food, roosted in trees,
bathed with rainwater, and called to her flock. Perhaps she had
a mate and nurtured and raised their chicks. Or maybe she was merely
a fledgling when she was ripped from her world and thrown into ours.

Coco is a Cherry-headed Conure who had been very
bonded to her human female guardian before landing at MAARS. The
Placement Committee wanted her to have a home where she would become
part of a flock and learn to socialize with other birds, but that
meant that she would need a very patient and experienced care-giver
to teach her flock rules. [More…]

Cosmo is a young Blue and Gold Macaw who arrived
at The Landing in June 2003 missing most of his feathers. He had
been destroying his feathers by chewing through the shaft close
to the skin since he was less than a year old. He had no tail, no
flight feathers, and only a few feathers on his back, breast, abdomen,
and legs. We have worked with many, many featherless birds and had
little hope that Cosmo would ever recover from this behavior. [More…]

& Miguel
Evita & Miguel are wild-caught Cuban Conures.
They were transported to The Landing by a MAARS Volunteer in May
2002. When they arrived, both of them were in very poor feather
— most likely the result of a nutritionally insufficient diet.
They had also spent many years in small cages and were not physically
strong. The decision was made to keep Evita & Miguel at The
Landing until their health and strength improved. [More…]

& Frances
Cockatiels Frank & Frances have been together
for a very long time. They were rescued by MAARS from deplorable
conditions in November 2000 along with their flock of almost fifty
other Cockatiels. Due to chronic health concerns, Frank & Frances
were placed on permanent sanctuary status at The Landing. Their
days have been spent amongst friends, never far from each other's
sides, socializing, preening, and chatting. [More…]

Small Comfort
Several local animal control and humane society shelters
rely on MAARS to take in birds from their facilities when the birds'
care requirements exceed what the shelter is capable of providing.
A couple of weeks ago we were contacted about a feather-destructive
Conure at an area shelter who was in need of our services. [More…]

Jake is a Cherry-headed Conure with a fuzzy grey
breast and a huge personality in a little green body; he is full
of sugar and spice and lots of strong opinions about who he does
and does not like. Jake was placed with MAARS in when his guardian
became pregnant; he became very protective and possessive of her
and made it clear that her husband had become an unwelcome interloper.

& Patrick
Lurch, a Blue-crowned Conure, was captured in the
wild and lived for twenty-five years in the same home with his lifelong
companion. They did not receive the best of care, by any standards,
yet their lives were made tolerable by the love and company of a
special friend. When illness struck both of them, Lurch's companion
died and Lurch — very sick himself — was taken to a
shelter that asked MAARS to take him in. Everything Lurch had ever
loved and known had been taken away from him. [More…]

A Time to Heal
Malachi is a wild-caught male Moluccan Cockatoo who
came to MAARS in 2003 after being left at the after-hours drop of
a local shelter in a cage barely large enough for him to turn around…For
at least the first year that Malachi lived at The Landing, he was
wary of other birds, nervous around humans, and would rarely came
out of his cage. Many of the Volunteer Staff spent time interacting
with Malachi on his terms, which most often included scratching
his head while he was protected within his cage. His vocal repertoire,
at that time, consisted mostly of clear, unmistakable dog barks
— he never yelled, strutted, or displayed like the other male
Cockatoos. [More…]

& Dad
Mom & Dad are a bonded pair of Peach-faced Lovebirds
who arrived at The Landing in March 2002 after a rural Minnesota
humane society placed an emergency phone call to MAARS. Mom &
Dad had been adopted through the humane society and were returned
with two chicks in their nestbox! Mom & Dad were doing a fine
job of raising their chicks — and were fiercely protective
of them — but the humane society was concerned that the chicks
would not thrive without knowledgeable care. [More…]

& Buckley
It was clear to everyone who knew them that Rio and
Buckley had chosen to be "birds' birds" and rejected close
relationships with humans; their wishes were accepted and respected
without question. MAARS soon concluded that it would be in their
best interest to live in an outdoor flock environment at a lifetime
care/sanctuary facility. [More…] |

Salsa is a playful, talkative, and affectionate Blue-streaked
Lory puchased from a breeder who did not live up to the expectations
of his human flock. After a year-and-a-half in his home, MAARS received
an e-mail stating that Salsa had to be out within the week. His
guardians were putting their house on the market and feared that
his noise and mess would lower the value and desirability of their
property. They told MAARS that they were considering getting a "different
kind" of bird. [More…]

Victoria is one of seven sweet pied Cockatiels surrendered
to MAARS by a small local breeder who had more birds than she could
sell. When the seven arrived in 2001, MAARSians dubbed them the
"Toeless Tiels" because each of them came in missing several
toes due to repeated attacks from a larger bird. The breeder kept
five other Cockatiels that she wanted to continue breeding. [More…]